
Firefox Extensions - Adblock

Perhaps the number one reason Firefox is so popular is due to the Adblock extension. Adblock filters out advertisements from websites. To download Adblock, go to the Adblock page located in the extensions portion of the Firefox website. Once you install Adblock, you'll also want to install the Adblock filterset.G Updater which is an extension that updates the advertisements to block automatically!

Firefox Extensions - An Introduction And IE View

An extension extends the functionality of Firefox. These are generally downloaded through their secure site, which can be tricky to find the most useful extensions. My goal is to make it easy to find and use the best extensions for Firefox. Extensions can do many things, from installing useful tools to blocking advertisements to adding entertainment.

To get extensions for Firefox, you click on the Tools menu, then click Extensions. This will bring up the extension manager, a simple interface which allows you to manage your extensions. Click on Get More Extensions.

XMLHttpRequest Problem In Firefox Part 2

I've noticed another odd behavior in FireFox while using the XMLHttpRequest object. When posting to a page on a server that requires authentication, the first post will go through just fine. But the second post, without refreshing the page, will cause the server to want authentication. I'm not sure if this behavior was present in the previous version and this behavior his not present if the object is querying a page using get. Using post works fine using IE 7.

XMLHttpRequest Problem In Firefox

The latest version of Firefox seems to have broken the XMLHttpRequest object. Specifically, if the asynchronous flag is set to false, the object will no longer function. I haven't done much research into this. I just wanted to jot a quick note. Set the asynchronous flag to true and everything should be fine.